Create like your life depends on it! To create like your life depends on it means to pour your entire being into the act of self-expression through the making new things, as if your life depends on it. Because it does. In a world where efficiency and productivity are prioritized, the idea of creating with urgency feels uncomfortable and new. However, it is a necessity. To create like your life depends on it means to give your entire self to your own work. We are told to be efficient, to pursue forms of success, and to ultimately do what is expected of us. As humans though we yearn for the freedom to imagine, explore, and express! The struggle between this modern conflict affects all of us and our ability to create. The first step to overcoming it is being aware of this dynamic, and implementing creator economy values. Creativity is a lifeblood of humans that affects every aspect of our lives. "Create like your life depends on it" is an invitation to live fully. This mindset does not just shape us as artists, but it transforms us as human beings.
